Reminder the studio will OPEN Veteran's Day, Nov. 11, and will be CLOSED for Thanksgiving from November 24-30! Check out our studio calendar for all studio events and closures.

Placing Ads in the Programs

We are excited for this production & for the opportunity to bring the arts into our community. Performances of Snow Queen will occur on Saturday, December 14 @ 2:00pm & 6:00pm at the Mertes theater at Las Positas College. This theater can accommodate just under 500 people for each show and we expect to fill the theater! It is our hope that you would consider supporting our organization by donating toward this production. In return for your donation, we would be happy to place an advertisement for your business in our program! Those attending will receive a program in which your advertisement will appear.

This is a great opportunity to promote your business. Your advertisement can be a coupon offering a special offer or discount OR serve simply as a way to acquaint or reacquaint people with your business. Your full color advertisement/coupon printed in the program can be 2.5”w x 4”h ($100), 5” w x 4” h ($175) or 5”w x 8” h ($250).

All advertisements must be placed, paid for, and artwork submitted by December 7. Donations are tax-deductible when your payment is made out to Radiance or completed online by clicking the button below.

We would be happy to answer any additional questions that you might have. Please call Rachel Roepke at (925) 967-4729 or email at rachel@radianceballet.com to place your advertisement/coupon. Donations can be made through our website www.radianceballet.com or sent in the mail to the address below.

Thank you for your time and consideration as we serve our community!

Make a Tax-Deductible Donation to Radiance School of Ballet today!

Did you know that Radiance is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) under our parent company Anastasis? This means that you can make a tax deductible donation to our school that will help to enable us to continue offering quality dance education and performances!

Additionally, your donations enable us to better serve our community by offering scholarships to those who simply can not afford lessons and by being able to offer needed dance apparel and supplies to our students that are in need. Donations also enable us to have a greater presence in our community by funding our participation in many community events. Donations allow us to bring in professional dancers from professional ballet companies like San Francisco Ballet, Oakland Ballet and Smuin Ballet to give Master Classes to our students, inspiring them to work to achieve their dreams.

During COVID-19, the arts community was, and still is, feeling the effects of a very limited operational capacity. Your donations help us not only to stay in business, but protect the future of our school. It is a future that we see as incredibly bright as we continue to equip and train the artists of the future.

Thank you for your donations, big and small, we are truly grateful.

Radiance School of Ballet    -    classes@radianceballet.com    -    www.radianceballet.com

Radiance School of Ballet is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under it’s parent company of Anastasis Ballet Company